Makeup with a Conscience: Discover the Beauty of Eco-Friendly Packaging and Ingredients, and Transform Your Routine!

Is your Skincare routine Ethical?

Picture this: Removing your mascara with a few single-use cotton pads and using two, three or more wipes for your makeup, all before navigating the sea of plastic bottles and tubes in your bathroom. Ask yourself – how much waste have you just created, and indeed, will it never degrade, but stay in landfill forever?

In today’s beauty landscape, cleansing your face, is an important part of your skincare routine, but it isn’t just a simple task. If you believe all of the advice that’s on-line, you can feel overwhelmed with endless options for cleansing, and double cleansing; with each action often needing a separate product.

Is there a better way?

Instead of adding to this waste, why don’t you consider simplifying your routine to make a real difference, and start with your face wash regime, and join us in radically reducing your skincare waste by using Essence of Egypt, Calm & Clean Face Wash.

What are the Calm & Clean benefits?

  1. Requires nothing but your fingers—no cotton pads needed.
  2. Squeeze some lotion onto your fingers and gently massage into the face.
  3. Rinse with lukewarm water.
  4. Repeat, if you wear heavy makeup. It’s as simple as that.
  5. The way that mum did it. And it’s ethical and sustainable too.

Key factors.

Proud: Essence of Egypt are one of the most ethical and sustainable brands to be found.
Transparent: By explaining all of our ingredients, we ensure you know exactly what you’re putting on your face.
Benefit: Our products are fresh, and hand-made by our family team.
Containers: From recycled waste that themselves can be recycled again.
Fair-trade: Natural ingredients – are the focus of everything we do. You can be sure of that.
Encourage: Spend mindfully. Keep your hard-earned money close and invest only in products that truly matter to you. One product does it all.
Choose: Ensure your purchases align with your values. After all, isn’t that what we all deserve?
Committed: Our small batches are used and sold every week.

What makes us sad?

Reading an article in Stylist Magazine, we found that more than 120 billion units of packaging are produced by the global cosmetics industry every year. If this level of consumption continues, by 2050 there will be 12 billion tonnes of plastic in landfills – enough to fill the Empire State Building 35,000 times!

What can Essence of Egypt do to help?

Tissue paper is totally biodegradable.
Cardboard is from recycled material that itself can be recycled.
Plastic can be disassembled and recycled. (We will explain how best to do this).
Sticky tape is from recycled paper.
Ensuring everything can eventually be re-used or re-purposed.

Less is more.

When it comes to conscious consumerism, less is more.
It’s as simple as reduce, reuse and recycle – in that order!
And it applies with skincare too.
Reduce the number of things you purchase by sticking to what’s really essential and always ask “why?” before your buy.
Every drop of lotion can be achieved from the containers.
We offer different sizes of the same product.

Can using fewer Skin Care Products actually make the Skin Better?

This article in Glamour magazine is worth a read. It also writes about ‘ageing,’ something that we have our own views about – and that we will write about in an article.

Lifestyle is important.

In every skincare routine, you must never neglect lifestyle. To help with this we suggest that you read the article in Forefront Dermatology. Their suggestions for fresher-looking skin, is first to drink lots of water. Eight glasses per day is recommended. Another article from the respected US Mayo clinic agrees.

Water in this volume helps wash-out toxins, keeping your skin hydrated from the inside out. The water in the west of Scotland (where we are located) is pure; but for drinking water we decided to make it extra special, and purchased a device from Fountain Filters that removes 99.4% of bacteria and any other microscopic impurities. We found this company helpful when making the right choice of equipment.

Reducing dairy in our diet.

Christian Allaire in Vogue magazine writes an interesting article, where adult acne problems were resolved by drastically reducing dairy consumption. Supported by this research from the Harvard School of Public Health, it shows that those who consume lots of milk, are almost 30 per cent more likely to have troublesome skin.

And as a family, we eliminated dairy a long time ago. Instead we use soya milk that comes from the farms around the Mediterranean or from the vast Canadian plains, and easily found in UK supermarkets. We prefer to do this, rather than using soya from the Amazon rainforests, where trees have been chopped to grow fields of soya that goes exclusively to cattle feed (mostly in the US). It’s here that we draw your attention the book ‘Sixty Harvests Left’. Written in 2022 by Philip Lymbery, the CEO of Compassion in World Farming. He writes shockingly that “every hamburger eaten uses a kilogram of irreplaceable topsoil.” We would heartily recommend this book to everyone, and especially politicians, where we would make it compulsory reading.

What’s in the coming weeks?

 Our intention will be to explore how embracing a diet rich in leafy greens—like our giant salads at lunchtime—eliminating sugar, and incorporating omega-3 fatty acids from sources like nuts and fish, can transform your health – and more importantly your skin. We’ll also discuss the importance of getting enough sleep and managing stress levels. Stay tuned for in-depth articles on these essential topics!

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